Monday 7th September 2009
Many people have found their patience tested by the road works along the Sturmer road in the last week but this morning the driver of a green 4X4 proved to have no patience to test when confronted with the barriers across the road at the top of Kings Hill. In front of shocked on-lookers he drove a short distance down Kings Hill turned around and drove back towards the barriers turning off just before on to the ploughed field next to the road. The 4X4 containing what one onlooker described as "Three big burly men" and a workman at the site described as "Three skinheads" Sped across the field and back on to the road beyond, speeding off in the direction of the road works themselves.
Workmen at the scene report that the car came to another set of barriers in Calford green but drove on to the grass (the bit with the "Do not drive on the grass" sign) and around the barrier and continued at speed. It was then forced to slam on it's breaks just before the top of Coupals Road as it came upon lorries parked up containing materials for the works. After screeching to a halt it backed up several yards before going off road again in to the field to the north of Coupals Road which rejoined further down before speeding off.
One shocked workman at the site said "I couldn't believe it" and described the act as "Dangerous" (There were a great many other things he described the act as but we are a family site). A police helicopter was later seen over the area
Related Stories:
Annoyance At Road Works Chaos 5/9/9 |
Article by M P Upton
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