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Village Meeting To Debate Silver St Paths Plan - But Is It To Late?

Silver Street Plans for extra pavements around the junction of Silver Street and Rectory Road have been on the Parish Council's website for discussion for several weeks now and we covered the pros and cons of the plan on this site a few days ago. At this month's Parish Council meeting it was decided to add the subject to the agenda of up coming public meeting, which had until that point been dedicated to the subject of the LDF. However it may be that even then Suffolk County Council had already taken the decision to go ahead with this plan.

At this months Parish Council meeting Councillor John Cahill revealed details of a walking meeting held about the Streets of Kedington between PCSO Debbie Carroll-Beer and Kevin Shipp of Suffolk County Council's Highways Department which had later been reported to him by PCSO Carroll-Beer. Councillor Cahill reported that Mr Ship discussed many issues with relation to the village and had claimed the proposed new paths on Silver Street had been given the go ahead. At the time of the report most members of the Parish Council all registered their anger that Mr Shipp had come to the village and chosen to speak to a PCSO while not asking any representatives of the local community to attend with councillor Peter Garner later describing it as "Sheer Arrogance". As yet and despite requests for information on the subject the parish council have still not been informed of any decision on the Silver St plan. However Suffolk County Council's own website has had plans for major road works between Little Gable's and what they describe as the School Access Track (Which we believe to be church walk at the end where there is no access); There is no description for what these roadwork's are for but they will last all of February and involve road closures. Also the works are for "Suffolk" as opposed to any of the utility companies. Such details match well to what would be required for the proposed path lengthening project and does not link to any other known plans. These Road works have been listed since the ninth of September, almost a week before the Parish Council Meeting. We have asked Suffolk County council to comment on whether the plans are confirmed and whether they would re-consider if the parish were against the plans and will report further if a response is given.

Related Stories:
Silver Street Path Extention.

Parish Plans To Extend Path On Silver Street 17/9/9

Village Meeting To Debate Silver St Paths Plan - But Is It To Late? 21/9/9

Shipp Claims There Is Still Time For Kedington To Decide On Silver St 23/9/9

Good Turnout For General Meeting 28/9/9

Silver Street Plans On Hold. 21/11/9

When told of the roadwork plans and asked to comment County Councillor Anne Gower said that she was disappointed to hear of the road works from us as she had asked to be informed of any further planned road works after the fiasco of the Sturmer Rd resurfacing. and said she would pursue the issue as she had asked that where possible road closures be completed at night regardless of cost to minimise disruption.

Amendment: We have been asked to remind readers that the opinions of any parish councillor dose not represent the feelings of the whole council

Article by M.P.Upton - 21/9/9
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