The council plans to make a 30% cut to spending on Libraries across the county and asked for suggestions of how to reduce spending, specifically asking that anyone who can directly contribute to running the library, or can suggest a local organisation, business or group who may be able to do so, contact them now! (The exclamation mark is a direct quote). The Document goes on to say "If we do not receive your ideas for ways in which the county council can substantially reduce its funding, we propose to fund or part fund some of the county's libraries, and stop funding the rest."
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Threat To Close Kedington Library - KCA Funding Could Also Be Hit. 25/1/11 |
The Library is housed in an purpose built extension to the Kedington Community Centre. As part of it's tenancy The Library pays £4,025 rent to the Kedington Community Association who run and maintain the centre. This means that were The Library to close the KCA would loose 15% of it's budget, the equivalent of the amount raised by last years Meadowlark. Steve Brown of the KCA said "If we do not receive this from Suffolk County Council or anyone else then it will have a substantial impact for us. Last year we had a surplus just £143 so you can see we would need to raise funds and/or examine very closely other areas of our expenditure to reduce our costs. This will not be a simple task.
The Association has not yet discussed the implications of the decision made by Suffolk County Council to cut Library funding across the County by at least 30%. From reading the Consultation paper it seems to indicate a much greater percentage is likely to be applied and we must assume that this will probably be the case."
Although the KCA's Community Council have not had the chance to meet since the publication of the consultation the members have all received copies and will be discussing it soon. Steve brown also said "I have contacted the Parish Council to confirm that the Association will work closely with them to try and achieve an outcome that meets the need of our community. We have a key part to play in that process."
The news of the possible demise of the library has come at an awkward time for Kedington Parish Council which has currently suspended meetings due to allegations made against a large number of it's members. The Full Consultation documents can be found on the Suffolk County Council's Website.
I leave the final word in this article to Steve Brown of the KCA which seem to sum up the situation. "I suspect there will be a public meeting at some stage to get the views of those who will be affected most by the potential closure of our library service and it is unfortunate for the staff who work there that their future is uncertain. We need to remain optimistic that we can salvage something out of the bad news of the last week but recognise too that with funding being slashed something may have to go."
Article by M.P.Upton - 25/1/11
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