Kedington's online newspaper

Kedington Folk Show Off Their Large Vegetables
On Saturday Kedington Church celebrated another record year for the Kedington Horticultural Show, with 34 entrants (Up by one on last year's record), more than ever before. Despite this the over all number of exhibits was down by a third to 195 due to poor growing conditions through the summer leading to many roses being already over and fruit like apples not being ripe in time.
All the same, the people of Kedington still managed to turn in a good display of quality produce and cullanry treats.
The Children of the village also took part with examples of both craft and growing skills. including three new categories: A Box Of 4 Different Vegetables and 6 Cherry Tomatoes On A Plate for those horticultrally minded and A Bookmark Decorated With Pressed Flowers for those more craft orientated.
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Previous Horticultural Shows
The Best in show prizes went to Paul Starling in the culinary categories for his Chocolate cake and Simon McGuire in the Horticultural categories for his Green Arrangement. The Jeannie Lee Memorial Trophy went to Jill Davis for her arrangement of 6 stems of mixed garden flowers. The Keddy Trophy for most points over all was won by Bob and Brenda Parkin.
Exhibits were later auctioned off the money from which was added to the money from entries raising a grand total of £166 for church funds.
Article by M.P.Upton - 11/9/10
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